COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update

We wanted to reach out to our wonderful customers regarding COVID-19. As with many, we’re concerned about the coronavirus and monitoring it closely. Information is changing rapidly, but we wanted to inform you about measures we’re taking our store:

We are open for modified hours. The store is open from 9am-6pm. This is to allow our staff to clean the entire store for an hour before we open. Please note that from 10am-11:30am, we will only allow customers 65 or older to shop in order to protect their safety.

Most inventory is in stock, barring toilet paper, Lysol sprays, and other cleaning supplies. If you have specific inventory questions, please feel free to give us a call! 

We are taking active measures to frequently clean high touch areas throughout the day including (but not limited to) door handles, credit card machines, and other commonly touched areas. Employees are wearing masks as a precaution.

We will keep you informed of any new developments as they relate to our store.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

We look forward to the time when we can all come together again without a second thought. Wishing you all health and safety! 


Russell True Value
